Monday, April 18, 2011

27 year old ponderings

27 year old ponderings

there is an orchid that blooms for one day a year.

this tiny romantic flower smells like vanilla and pops up everywhere the morning of a full moon... it's sweet, divine aroma wafting across the island for just one day.

ainsley walked up after we had practiced yoga yesterday and handed me this tiny orchid, one of thousands growing across the jungle...

it made me dive into thoughts about living for one day.

maybe these flowers are so beautiful and so magical and aromatic because all of that goodness isn't spread out across an entire lifetime. they get to just give their ALL for one glorious day, holding nothing back.

maybe thats why all these incredible artists and musicians and dynamic, firey friends of mine died so young. (that crazy thing where super talented people always die at 27)...
maybe their time was always allotted and somewhere inside them their spirit knew that it would be short.
they only had 27 years to squeeze out all their goodness... and so it was intense and powerful...
versus someone who is allotted 90 years and only give a little of themselves at a time... just 1/90th a year.

but of course, the thing is... we DON'T know how many days we've been given.

the yogis believe we are allocated a certain number of breaths when we are born... so if we slow down the breath - take longer, deeper, fuller breaths each day, we can elongate our lives.

i like that idea. because someone running around stressed out and hyperventilating all day could use all my breaths in 27 years, but i can still have all the intensity and just slow down time.

like these sea tortoises that live for 150 years... they move so slowly, im sure they breathe super slowly.
MAYBE they would only live for a day if they didn't slow down time.
or maybe they are like the people who live a long life only sharing a sliver of themselves every day... just trudging along through the sea.

i have so very many thoughts flipping around in my brain right now about time and life... i don't quite know what i'm trying to say here, because i haven't figured it out yet, and i haven't had enough coffee this morning, or enough alone time to contemplate and write for a while... so i find myself with the tail ends of these strands of thought and a little follow-up flag in my brain that said "think about this later"

still... all i know is that i would like to live as though i am going to die tomorrow.

i think its the best way to live.

why not give your all today? right?

i mean, seriously though... why not?

why would you not love carelessly and freely?
and open your heart, allowing the possibility that it could be broken and trampled on, but also affording yourself the opportunity to experience a profound deep love...
laugh loudly and howl at the moon
dance because it feels good inside of you and not because of how it might look to others.
if you want to paint today... PAINT!
if you want to sing today... SING!

free your spirit.

the last two year of my incredible life, i be-brothered these folks.
lived with almost all of them in one realm or another.
and will be traveling with a few of them in the coming year.
we call ourselves by many names...

we're for today.

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