Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Saturn Return

November 7, 2013

29 years, 6 months, and 22 days ago I was born.

In astrology, you look at your "natal chart" which is basically a snap shot of planets the minute you were born.
The sun was at 27° in the sign of Aries...
The moon was at 11° Scorpio...
Venus was at 11° Aries...
Leo was rising at 11° on the horizon...
and Saturn was at 14° 17' Scorpio...

Today, 29 years, 6 months and 22 days later - Saturn has returned to the sign of Scorpio at 14° 17'...

What does that mean?

Astrologists say that Saturn is the sign of maturity and big life changes and challenges... like jumping over a hurdle you've been prepping for over the last 30 years.  People make big changes around their saturn return - decide to change career directions, or have kids or get married or divorced...
Ya know... all the stuff I did two years ago when I quit my marriage, my job, and my life... gave everything i owned away and moved to a remote island in the middle of the indian ocean - going full gypsy mermaid - and then deciding (between fits of hallucinating fever and bone shattering chills while fighting off malaria) that I should be a nurse and move back to America and squeeze myself through a straw - sitting in halogen lit classrooms and staring into books and at white boards full of mathematical equations and microbiology facts.

So today - it didn't feel like that big of a thing... although I know it is.

So here's what today looked like. (Maybe I will read back on this in years to come and see that something in here WAS indeed foretelling or something).

I skyped with Paul for two hours last night - making a plan B incase I get waitlisted at all the nursing schools I am applying for to start this coming fall.  Our backup plan is that I will move to Australia and live with Paul in the house he's gonna buy and do a Tafe nursing program which will give me credits that I can transfer once I start my practical. (I love this plan.)

The doggies slept on my bed, eventhough I have recently banished them to their own bedroom because sleeping with two dogs makes me not sleep so well... But last night I slept really well and had interesting beautiful dreams that I forgot to write down and then forgot as the morning happened.

I didn't go for a run, but that's okay because I know I'm going tomorrow and I'll run in New York tomorrow when I go to visit Cary. (I'm super excited for this trip tomorrow! :) )

I got my hair done in San Diego and went a little blonder than usual. I bought a beanie and a scarf at the salon.

I rushed home and drank a smoothie and then bolted to class.

Microbiology was actually kind of interesting today - learning about the immune response in the body which I have always thought was really cool. ... I mean... we have cells called "natural killer cells" that go through apoptosis - which is basically like kamikaze suicide bomber style. Now tell me that's not kind of rad. We started our "unknowns" where we have to get a random bacterial broth and then I have to determine what bacterial strain it is by conducting a ton of tests on it.

I came home and Dad had made me yummy dinner and left it on the counter for me. (Living at home is really kind of great)... And there was a package waiting for me.  It was my passport... being returned from the Indian Embassy. I was granted a ten year multiple entry visa for India... meaning that I can go there for as long as I want, as many times as I want for the next ten years. this is freaking awesome.
Clearly this is a sign that it came today. I really think I will be in India and SE Asia a lot over the next ten years. (i certainly hope so)

Then I went down to the beach and had a bonfire with Katie, Rachel and Polly. I love these girls. Although I don't vibe with San Diego all that much, these girls are really awesome and I'm so glad to have them.  We sat in the sand and looked at the beautiful moon and drank pinot grigio and I talked about how I have always equated stability with boredom ... and danger with excitement.
But now I am turning a corner and starting to realize that I might kind of like stability. And that it can still be exciting.
I can call in stability and still have adventures.
And then i saw a HUGE shooting star that nobody else saw... so I closed my eyes and I wished.

I just felt like somewhere there was this man who was calling me in - and dreaming the same dream as me - and we are drawing each other ever closer and closer.

Some friends came and joined us at the fire and we chatted a lot about Indonesia. I miss it so much. There is a part of my heart that will just always ache and crave to be at Togat Nusa with John and Ainz and Beaker. They're my other-side-of-the-world family. I miss them and I can't wait to be reunited with them.  Maybe it won't be until I'm a nurse.
Or maybe it will be sooner than I think.

Now I am home and I packed my little pink suitcase and am just so excited to go to New York City tomorrow for my Goddess Reunion with Cary and Laura. My dearest, oldest soul sisters. I can't wait to lay in bed and drink wine and gush and talk and cry and laugh and sit on Cary's fire escape one last time before she leaves her East Village apartment that I love so much and have had CRAZY amazing memories in - and she'll start a new chapter in Brooklyn next month.

More on this later.

Saturn... Welcome back. 

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