Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Affected en route to Avalon

Sydney… heading down to Melbourne for the week.

6:00 am
Standing in line for airport security and totally zoned out, lost in chain of thoughts… I'm somehow at Sydney Airport again.
I allegedly landed here 72 hours ago, but there's no way that's correct.
Reality must be mistaken, because I'm sure I've been here for most of my life… or at least a couple of weeks in THIS lifetime.
Time trips me out when it does stuff like this.

My broski and I headed out from his mum's this morning so early it was still dark, blowing a kiss to the house that has welcomed me in the most incredible way and of course the hose-happy German Shepherd who i have come to love over these months… er… 2 days. (whatever)

We wove through the suburban Sydney streets, submerged in one of our par-for-the-course metaphysical conversations we had fallen into almost immediately.
This morning's theme was the interconnectedness of us humans on earth, as dependent arisings.
The recognition that there could be no "ME" without a "NOT me"… therefore, there could be no "ME" without "YOU"… The belief that there is an independent me and an independent, objective world out there is ignorance.

The traffic through the M5 tunnel clogged up and Paul told me about a science documentary he saw one time about why the "imaginary accident" happens and traffic clogs up.
It had explained how essentially collective delayed reaction times compound one another and cause this weird backup that doesn't need to exist.
By time the guy way up there accelerates, the next guy has to react and start his acceleration, and so forth and so on…
But if one person is asleep or not aware and conscious, it screws the whole pooch… and of course MOST of us are walking around asleep, so case in point - traffic jam o'clock.

As humans in this duality consciousness, we are not only physically dependent upon one another for our conceptual existence, but our energy and attitudes actually really do affect one another in huge ways.

Not unlink the Butterfly Effect where everything we do has a global effect… down to the flutter of a butterfly wing, which in theory could cause a tornado on the other side of earth.

I have found myself in Australia, so far, incredibly optimistic, positive and joyful… Externally, it's beautiful and awesome and I feel super lucky to be here… but also I'm feeling very aware of the energy I am putting out into the world and conscious that i want to put out is energy that betters humanity… Compounds to create happiness and effectively reduce suffering for all of us.

There are of course swamis in the mountains who take this idea to an extreme level… there are monks and nuns who wear nets across their mouths so as not to accidentally inhale a bug and cause death in any way… There are fruitarians who only eat fruit or nuts that have fallen from the tree on their own accord.

I'm not going too crazy but definitely all about unity right now and trying to be very awake and aware… conscious actions/reactions and the action/reaction they create.

Australia seems to be the perfect place for me to be exploring this concept as A. I have my soul-brother buddy and partner is geekdom to bounce stuff off and filter my ideas through… and B. Australians (at least from what i have seen so far) are very laid back and open hearted.
Of all the places I have visited and lived in my eclectic, crazy life, I can see within 72 hours (allegedly) that Australia holds no masks up and has an authenticity and accepting, nonjudgmental energy that i really really get down with.

Maybe this is the reason that I feel so strongly like I have been here before and for much much longer then the 3 days I have spent in this country.
I mentioned that this morning, how last night it dawned on me, sitting on the couch in the lounge chit chatting for 4 hours, how totally comfortable I am here.
(Not that I am UNcomfortable all too often in this life)… But i just feel totally at home and comfortable to be myself in all my odd, creative, expressive, often intense energy.

"it's all happening." I said smiling to Paul as I got out of the car this morning and headed into terminal 2 to catch this flight to Melbourne.
"what is?" he asked
"everything!" i replied.
it made total sense to us and is totally true.

I checked myself in at the little kiosk and found my way to a slow moving security line, stuck in front of the zig zagging walkway i had just come down.
A typical airport snaking line cue- the kind that are taped off by detachable seatbelt-like bands.

I watched this seemingly endless stream of people snaking through and towards me as the early morning light coming through the far window flickered through between crossing bodies.
The same people kept crossing the same people… first on their right, then on their left, then on their right, then on their left…
and i found myself wishing i could come over a loud speaker and ask everyone to high five everyone they walked by.
It would be this awesome choreographed dance of support for one another like 7 year old boys after little league slapping a line of hands saying "good game. good game. good game." to the opposition.

what if we all did that all the time?
encouraged and supported one another instead of putting each other down, pushing, resisting and causing separation?

i rolled the word "effect" around my head and across my lips…
"Effectively, we can affect people… The effect of affection…"
I looked up the dictionary definitions in a literary binge to satiate my seemingly insatiable appetite for ah ha moments this morning.

effect |iˈfekt|
1 a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause: the lethal effects of hard drugs | politicians really do have some effect on the lives of ordinary people.
• the state of being or becoming operative.
• the extent to which something succeeds or is operative: wind power can be used to great effect.
• [ with modifier ] Physics a physical phenomenon, typically named after its discoverer: the Doppler effect.
• an impression produced in the mind of a person: gentle music can have a soothing effect.

affect 1 |əˈfekt|
verb [ with obj. ]
have an effect on; make a difference to: the dampness began to affect my health | [ with clause ] : your attitude will affect how successful you are.
• touch the feelings of (someone); move emotionally: the atrocities he witnessed have affected him most deeply.

We really do affect one another.
We are all just swimming around this pool of cause and effect… totally affected by each other's actions and reactions.
Moving one another emotionally.

What if we all just loved each other?

"I've been in love with love and the idea of something binding us together, you know that love is strong enough…
and i've seen time tell tales about that systematic drug. ya. that heart that beats as one.
its collectively unconsciously composed."
-the mowgli's


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