Saturday, February 11, 2012

love is...

do you remember those comic strips that said sappy stuff like...
"love is... a necessity, not a luxury."


i can honestly say that even in my sappiest, romantic comedy marathon watching, girlie girl moments... i never thought those were cute.

what's "love" about weird looking naked babies with upside down triangle noses prancing around gazing at each other with bizarre carnal knowledge that weird looking naked babies shouldn't have?

i spent the last week in LA among my beloved Venice Beach friends. The adventure started at Joshie's house.
Josh and I lived together in the OM hOMe before i moved to Indonesia and started this journey around and around the world.
We were FINALLY reunited after a long year apart exchanging cool weird gifts and beaded jewelry, drinking margaritas at a mexican dive, bike riding to a liquor store and breaking the bottle before we even left the parking lot, and laughing hysterically while making up sound effects to demonstrate our feelings (just like all times).

Josh was one of the first to get the L ☮VE tattoo on his wrist.
I have one too.
i think there are about 20 of us now...

what the LOVE on my hand means to me has changed over the course of the last few years since i got it at one of our Collective CA Manifestivals.

See... at the time, i believed that we were in the midst of something really big. I thought we were breaking the mold, and shifting the paradigm into a state of Unity Consciousness... I saw the tattoo as a symbol that i was a part of a community that valued true unconditional love over anything else...
That i would forgive and let live anything and everything.
Our tribe grew and grew... pulsating with awesomeness until we exploded and dispersed into what now feels like a million different directions.
I like to believe that we are just acting as light carriers... spreading our LOVE consciousness all over the world now.

In my Buddhist Meditation Course up at Tushita Meditation Center in Daramshala, India... I asked why we cup our left hand underneath the right one when we sit in meditation.
The answer was that the right side is compassion and the left side is wisdom, and we need to cultivate the wisdom in order to hold the compassion.

i wrote underneath my LOVE tattoo on my left wrist "... with wisdom"

Thats a lesson i need to remember.... Love with wisdom.

I am the type of person who will fall in love with everyone and anyone and everything. See this piece i wrote for Live Like You're On Vacation.... Unfortunately I willingly give my all to people who often don't reciprocate... and I tend to be taken advantage of.
Luckily, I am a full on gypsy these days... so there is not much i can give away besides my love.

But again... what IS love?

My adventure in LA was wonderful and full of happiness and music and laughter...
I sat on the beach benches with Spencer and Carrie and drank tequila for hours...
We did a part 2 adventure with the same trio a few nights later when we ended up in Spencer's new van and had a sleepover.

I went to an amazing party called "Aquarius Rising" where many of my friends performed including Tawney, Hannah Leese, Parker Ainsworth, Carrie Turner, The Makepeace Brothers, and my old OM hOMies and beloved lovers, The Mowgli's

The Mowgli's sing a song called San Francisco... the place where this last adventure started, and where i will be returning to next week!

The lyrics are:

I've been in love with love
and the idea of something binding us together
you know that love is strong enough

and i've seen time tell tales about that systematic drug
ya that heart that beats as one
it's collectively unconsciously composed.

If you don't know the song... you should. Its really uplifting and amazing... and they have just recorded an album that they are trying to raise money to release... check it out:

I remember when Mikey Mowgli sent me a text message with those lyrics.
He had just written them up in SF and I was down in LA.
I was so excited to hear the tune.
It became a tune that my heart danced to... and has continued to dance to all over the world.

The Mowgli's sing about love all the time.
But what is it?

I finally jumped on a train and came back down to San Diego.
My first day back, I went with my cousin Britta to drop her kids at school.
I had the pleasure of going into Caleb's kindergarden class and found this thing he wrote on the wall...

I'm with him on everything except the Oreo... I've been on a bit of a health, juice, vegan, non-processed food rampage... so i would amend this to say that Love tastes like the Valentines red juice I just made...
Carrots, Apple, Ginger, Lemon, Beet & Red Bell Pepper...

Cutting beets is awesome.
You make everything look like a murder site.

and the juice tickles your soul.

If you don't have a juicer, i highly recommend buying one IMMEDIATELY... also - watch this documentary:
A Beautiful Truth - you can watch it on youtube for free.
Just do it.

SO... Love is beet juice?

I still don't know... but i like that answer better then the weird naked babies.


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